Hunter x Hunter

Hunter x Hunter is my top 1 animation series which is adapted from the manga of same name that created by  Yoshihiro Togashi. Yoshihiro Togashi is a genius manga artist who also created another famous manga Yu Yu Hakusho. The story is about a journey the boy Gon to the way to find his father who he thought was dead before, after he knows that his father is a great 'hunter' he decides to join the competition to find clues of his father. Through this process, he meets his best friend Killua and others, also, he has many enemies that he has to beat with. At the present, there are 6 parts of this series which are hunter exam, heavens arena, phantom troupe, greed island, chimera ant and election. By the way, this version is remake. In my opinion, the most exciting part in new content is chimera ant arc. This part is excellent, adventurous and bloody with incredible plots which i highly recommend.
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