Fullmental alchemist

Fullmental alchemist is an animation series that adapted from manga of the same name by Hiromu Arakawa (fma wikia). The official site introduces this story as ' Edward and Alphonse Elric's reckless disregard for alchemy's fundamental laws ripped half of Ed' s limbs from his body and left Al's soul clinging to a cold suit of armour. To restore what was lost, the brothers score a war-torn land for the Philosopher's Stone, a fabled relic which grants the ability to perform Alchemy in impossible ways' (fullmental alchemist). Also, they met plenty of people that some of them become friends and some  of them are enemies, each character has their own personality no matter it is good or bad. Furthermore, they found their dad who had been away from the hometown for a long time. Fullmental alchemist is definitely a great work, and the thought that people can gain the strong heart through the process of fighting sufferings will always affect me.

Source: http://www.fullmetalalchemist.com.au/
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